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"She Said, She Said"

OPENS Friday, November 11th 5-8pm


I've been painting and coloring my whole life. Well, at least ever since I could hold a crayon. It's the one thing that brings me peace. Yeah I know some of my images may seem like they come from a troubled inner demon but naw... I live a happy tranquil life. I just enjoy visiting the dark side on occasion.

Well I've been living in NYC for the past 7 years. What a blast for sure. I did, saw and ate so much while living there that sometimes I feel wore out!

So... I decided it was best to move to a more low key island. The Island of Tybee. That's in Georgia. So yes, that's quite a big change. It was time- I'm getting old.

LISA OCAMPO "Once Upon a Time” played a predominate role in my childhood and the development of my imagination. In that pretend realm anything was possible even probable. Art was part of everyday. My pictures were of buildings with 100 windows but no doors, animals with princess heads and humans with horns, yellow hair and wings. Ideas were endless and only needed to make sense to me. As I got older I wanted my paintings to look realistic. I struggled with different mediums and techniques until I was content, but the joy of creating was not there anymore; however, the need to paint was…Then “Once Upon a Time” started slipping back into my work and the joy of painting was once again part of the process. Ideas come from everywhere and nowhere like snippets of dreams only remembered later in the day. The dimensions of a canvas may conjure an image, a color combination that strikes me as odd, words that start with the letter ‘M’, a poetic turn of phrase or the smell of candy corn can be my muse of the day. Sometimes it is simply the need to apply wet colorful paint to a big blank canvas. PAINT LOUD!"

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